Saturday Wine Tastings

Each Saturday at 2:00 pm, we open four different wines and talk about them- where they come from, who makes them, and what makes them special. A couple of light hors d’oeuvres accompany the tasting and those who attend are eligible for discounts on the wines. Reservations are required, and web and email reservations will not guarantee you a seat, to please make your reservation by calling (520) 326-9363

Past Saturday Wine Tasting

Tour de France

Since this Saturday’s wine tasting falls squarely on Bastille Day, what better way to celebrate our French friends’ independence than to pour French wine all day?

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Pick up a Picpoul

If you've been coming here for any length of time, you likely already know of Kevin's fondness for Picpoul, a grape not everyone knows about that makes its home in the southwest corner of France.

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Begin the Bourgogne (Limited Seating)

In spite of the fact that all of this week’s wines hail from the US, Kevin’s reasoning is that these Pinot Noirs very much approach a Burgundian style, and we all know that his first order of business in constructing a tasting is to come up with a suitable pun for its title (I won’t even tell you the title of next week’s tasting yet, as it sets my teeth on edge.) 

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In the Zona

If you couldn't join us for the dinner with Kent Callaghan and Todd Bostock on the 28th, don't believe you've missed the boat altogether tasting Arizona wines.

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Everything’s coming up Rosé

Dear Feastlings, This Saturday, as the weather takes one last dip into cooler temperatures before we ready ourselves for seven months of heat, Kevin pulls corks on four different pink wines from four disparate locales.You’re sure to be taken with one or another of them, and they all offer up a lot of refreshment without […]

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The “Little Brothers”

This week, Kevin will be opening four "little brothers": wines which are either a winery's second label, or that come from the outskirts of an esteemed wine region, or whose style mimics that of a more substantial and prestigious wine, but which are every bit as much of a value.

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