Going once. Only this once, I hope.

Dear Feastlings,

After last Thursday’s email going out on Friday anywhere from eight to twenty-one times, and then the apology email explaining the problem going out an additional three to seven times, I approach today’s email with more than a small amount of trepidation. I know that I’m personally receiving copies of that email even yesterday and today, and it’s irritating. I’ll say this: I’m looking into, at a minimum, three different hosts who’ve been recommended by you kind people who tolerated the snafu, and who know how to tap on the “delete” button. I’m pleased to note that even though I felt compelled to reply to about sixty emails, about fifty-nine of them were peppered with kind words and understanding, and heart-and-smile emojis. Then there was this one:

“This is ridiculous. I have tried to unsubscribe. I will never eat at Feast again—pureineptitude! (sic) ”

While this person will remain nameless, I can tell you that I now have a realtor that I’ll don’t imagine I’ll ever use or recommend. It’s all I can do not to mention her name here, as there’s a significant difference between a computer glitch that didn’t even originate with me, and the “pureineptitude” for which she holds me responsible.

Despite the week’s difficulties, and they were numerous- a Saturday night on which we were short two cooks and a dishwasher, two back-to-back email stress bombs, a squash blossom shortage, and a Father’s Day that was far quieter than any of us expected- it felt like a pretty good week. The cooks and dishwasher all had legitimate reasons for their unanticipated absences, people were for the most part understanding about the lack of squash blossoms, and Father’s Day ended up being more or less a welcome reprieve from my new nemesis-realtor-emailer and the stress of a short-handed Saturday night.

We made some nice contributions to the community this week with a couple of gift certificates to Arizona Public Media supporters, and to the Palo Verde Neighborhood Association (anyone who participates in a Fourth of July parade in Tucson deserves *some* sort of reward,) and we raised another chunk of change for the Primavera Foundation (there are still more dinners to attend at other restaurants if you missed ours- take a look at

https://primavera.org/primavera-cooks/ )

This week will be a quieter affair. I’m hoping you only receive this email the one time, for example, and we’ll not be trying to cobble together a dinner of the size we did last Wednesday. I’m hoping not to receive a cranky email, and we’ll have ample time to get ready for our Saturday wine tasting

Triple digits

and next Tuesday’s Hogueras de San Juan summer solstice menu.

Las Hogueras de San Juan

We’ll also set up a little menu for a private tasting the following night, the 26th, but I’ll bet if you wanted the join the American Wine Society’s Tucson branch, they’d be of the more-the-merrier philosophy and you could likely join them for a foray into Italian wines.


If you’re interested, contact the AWS through that page and let them know. It’s Wednesday the 26th at 5:30, and the menu can be seen here:


And with that, I cross my fingers in the hope that you get exactly one copy of this email, no more, no less, and wish you well in avoiding the heat.

With great affection,

Your friend Doug

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