Make hay while the sun is beating down relentlessly on your delicate skin.

Dear Feastlings,

I know it’s a rare occasion that we get this far into the week before I send you a missive, but this has been (and continues to be) a community-oriented week. The busy season is behind us as far as the dining room goes, and catering as well. For some reason, there are not a lot of massive events to cater in Tucson in June.

That said, we do our best to keep ourselves occupied in these slow summer months, so I’m here to note that, coming off of several days of food prep with some devoted and motivated apprentice chefs, we put together another dinner for the Primavera Foundation, and while you may have missed our event last night, you can still support the Primavera Foundation by cooking or attending one of the other dinners that has yet to happen throughout the summer. It’s a great event to support a treasure of an organization, and just because you didn’t make it to our dinner, you haven’t missed out yet.

Primavera Cooks!

As for other community business, I’ll be extricating myself from bed early tomorrow to do my usual stint on NPR, where we try to raise another chunk of money to cover programming without funding from advertisers. If you call in during my two-hour time slot, from 7:00 am to 9:00 am tomorrow at (520) 621-1600 or 1 (800) 223-7192, or donate online at

you’ll be entered in a drawing to win one of the two gift certificates I’m bringing with me.

Fundraising aside, we’re also working on our normal bill of fare,

our weekly wine tasting,

Spain. Again.

the specials we’re offering when we open up this Sunday despite our still-mostly-closed-on-Sundays status,

Some special dishes for Dad.

and next week’s Spanish-style celebration of the Summer Solstice.

Las Hogueras de San Juan

We also continue to offer wine deals all summer, which you can see here:

Summer deals from that great place for wine

Whew. That was a lot. No wonder I didn’t get this email out during our preparation for Primavera Cooks. More next week, with less dawdling. See you soon, I hope.

Your pal,


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