Dear Feastlings,
After a day of appointments, a day of wet-vac, squeegee and mop, a couple of friends (whom I’ve not seen in person for months, mind you) testing positive for COVID-19, and a plumber’s bill that rivals the ice machine repair bill, I’m exhaling and telling myself that I’m through another stressful period, and that the weekend will only bring hungry and thirsty people, itching to spend money on food and drink. I’m working on that New Year’s Eve menu, and on securing another 30 geese so that we don’t have to turn people away before the 15th, when the goose-related portion of the Christmas menu deadline occurs.
I’m exhaling now. And I’m grateful like nobody’s business that I’m able to inhale and exhale relatively normally. I’ll regard this as a vague but sincere message from the universe that I’m meant to be kept healthy so we can keep handing out meals to people who need a little extra help
and to front line hospital workers.
Meanwhile, the restaurant itself is still keeping busy by offering food, drink, wine tastings,
and holiday menus.
If you’re a Chanukah celebrator, happy Chanukah to you in a couple of hours when the sun goes down, and if you’re a Christmas celebrator, Merry Impending Christmas to you.
And more importantly than any of that , thank you. Thank you all for your sweet words, for your kind patronage, for your generous donations, and for taking care of us here at Feast and taking care as well of the other people of Tucson who need your help right now. Thank you all. Thank you more than you think we’re thanking you.
We love you, and we appreciate your help and support, and we’re grateful to have you in our family.
Doug and every single person at Feast