Hello, Feastlings.
It turns out that if one logs into DreamHost to begin an email and then finishes it later and sends it, DreamHost may not necessarily alert you that it’s gone ahead and logged you out, and that it’s going to send the paltry few words you typed before you were called away to deal with putting out the (mercifully) figurative fires of the day but nothing else. So my apologies for the multi-part email yesterday, and here’s a quick note to give you the passcode and link to today’s tasting:
Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Trust Your Importer with Josefa Concannon of Louis/Dressner
Time: Oct 25, 2020 03:00 PM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 0704 0808
Passcode: 645398
You can find the tasting order, pricing and heating instructions for the food pairings here:
Trust Your Importer tasting with Josefa Concannon of Louis/Dressner Selections
Meanwhile, a couple of other quick reminders as well: If you haven’t read the post itself, you don’t know that we had to pivot within a pivot- the Pima County Recorder’s Office, despite their enthusiasm for your meal donations, has decided against accepting food for a handful of reasons, all good ones, but they’re foregoing it nonetheless, so with only the Elections Department to feed, we’ve more than met our goal (if you donated and ONLY want it to go to election workers, please call back and let us know and we’ll gladly refund it.) Having met the goal, though, we’re moving our next donation run up a bit, since we’ve already ordered in all the raw ingredients for a few hundred people and we don’t want to lose any momentum. So our next run will be to most of the clinics and offices of CODAC, to be followed by another, smaller one to the rest of them a few days later. Here’s what we’re doing, and a link to CODAC’s website to boot:
Another donation run (or two) to our hard-working front-line friends
We’re also getting the jump on Thanksgiving, so you can peruse that menu here:
and the regular menu here, and with any luck, we’ll see you at today’s tasting. Thanks, everyone!