A bus ticket is cheaper than a sleeping bag.

Dear Feastlings,
In talking with the people at the Primavera Men’s Shelter and the Sister Jose Women’s Center, I’ve been able to confirm what I’ve long assumed to be the case: People experiencing homelessness, those who are on the move, anyway, seek out warmer climes as the cold weather takes over spots north of here, and the population here increases. With that in mind, we head tomorrow to the Sister Jose Women’s Center with our first installment of meal that you- and we- have donated, and I want to thank you for it on behalf not only of myself, but the crew here at Feast, the ones at Primavera and Sister Jose, and of course the recipients of these meals.
I feel awkward going back to the same well to ask over and over for donations, and I can’t tell you how heartened I am to be kept from that awkwardness by the steady stream of support of all of you as a group. Whether you’ve donated a meal, a cookie, or dozens or more meals, you’ve been a tremendous support to the community, and there are an awful lot of us who are grateful to you for it. So thanks. Here’s the information about tomorrow’s donation run:

Our next donation run- Sister José Women’s Center

There are, of course, other means by which we continue to try to earn our keep, and here’s a quick summary:

Tomorrow’s wine tasting,

Little by little

the menu at large, and the extra incentive of Sonoran Restaurant Week, which saves you a few bucks on three courses of dishes that are disappearing from the menu after Sunday:

Sonoran Restaurant week lasts through October 11!

There’s more on the horizon, but today being another running-on-a-hamster-wheel day, you’ll have to learn more about those on another day. Meanwhile, stay healthy and happy for us, and for yourself, and thanks for everything.



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