Over 7,000. Again.

Dear Feastlings,
It was certainly a point of pride to have donated over 7000 meals as of yesterday, and we have another one today- I’ve been emailing with my new buddy Chelsea at Child and Family Resources, and she informs me this morning that we were able, again with your help, to raise over $7,000- nay, $7,500- with the Feast for Families event we did with them a couple of Thursdays ago. So thank you, all of you who participated in the Zoom tasting, and who donated to CFR beyond the price of the tasting, and who bought wine afterward, a percentage of which we donated back to CFR as well. Nice job, my friends. Here for you again is a glimpse of what they’re accomplishing with that money:


As for us at Feast, now that we’ve passed the 7,000 mark, I’m inspired to get to the 10,000 meal mark, and we’re headed there with our next donation run to Casas Alitas on May 7th. Here’s some more about that goal:

Food for the guests at Casas Alitas

Meanwhile, we’ve got some events of our own to tell you about this weekend, so we’d be delighted to see you at either of our wine tastings- there’s one on Saturday at 2:00, a trip to the Sierra Foothills and El Dorado,

SO Northern California

and another on Sunday, one with food pairings, at 3:30. That one will be focused on appellations within appellations, and why place is so important in viticulture, and ultimately in the wine which is the end product in our glass.

The special place within.

And there’ll be more, of course. We’ll keep you posted about the upcoming May menu (though here’s the April menu in case you’re feeling peckish today,)


and Mother’s Day specials will be hot on its heels, as well as whatever news we have about our impending attempts to reopen the dining room (though based on the responses to our help wanted ads, I’m not bullish about it happening in the *immediate* future, and a number of you have expressed misgivings about sitting in a dining room with people outside your bubble anyway. So we’ll see how well this eventually works.)
So for now, we’ll make what limited hay we can make with what limited sunshine we receive, and hope for the best. You know, like a magically disappearing virus. That would be grand. Meanwhile, thank you all for your kind and generous support.
All of us at Feast

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