Dear Feastlings,
While the subject line is mostly about the sad state of affairs on the top of my head and the few dejected tufts that poke out in odd directions in the video of me cooking French onion grilled cheese sandwiches and smoked tomato soup in the is evening’s SAACA event (if you’re bored this evening, you can still sign up and check it out:
and though we’ve already got a boatload of pre-ordered sandwiches and soup that’s been spoken for, you can still taste along if you call sooner than later and get your hands on what’s left of the soup and sandwiches we’ve prepared to accompany the event. The number is 326-9363.)
Still, as much as I’d prefer to leave my hat on in an instance where I have to see myself, the song has now been stuck in my head all day. Not the Joe Cocker version that made it a steamy, sexy song for mass consumption after its appearance in 9 1/2 Weeks, mind you, but the darker, sadder, original Randy Newman version, which is, in my humble opinion, ten times better a song. At a minimum. Possibly fifty to sixty times better. To say nothing of the whole Sail Away album. But you can decide for yourself.
My day, though, has been dedicated to other matters, though, even while the song cycles through my head- I’m working on the food and logistics for this donation run that’s two weeks away
and getting speakers together for the two (count ’em, two) wine tastings we have this weekend. First, the Saturday tasting of varietals that come from unforeseen locations,
and then the Sunday tasting, a sampling of wines from places in Spain that *aren’t* Rioja, and snacks specifically paired to them.
And no, I haven’t finished getting the heating instructions typed up yet, because I’m still trying to source mushrooms for the tasting, as we can’t grow enough ourselves, mighty as our mushroom fruiting chamber may be.
I’ll also remind you that you’ve got a couple of weeks yet to pick up gift cards to a couple of dozen participating restaurants in order to help out the kind people at Nourish,
A fundraiser for Nourish AND your favorite restaurants, whichever ones they may be
be it Feast or be it anyone else at all. There’s no restaurant I can think of that wouldn’t appreciate it, nor a person at Nourish who wouldn’t. So if you’re in the mood to do a kindness and don’t have a lot of time or energy, it’s worthy of your consideration.
I’m off now to tie up some loose ends on the food donation run, the mushroom sourcing and the hunting down of various knowledgeable wine speaker, but if you do the SAACA thing I’ll see you on Zoom this evening and I’ll be delighted about it. Our dining room is lonely, but fast approaching on my to-do list is staffing up and helping the crew get in line for vaccinations, that we might soon see your smiling faces back in our dining room, where we’ll clink glasses with you at having made it for a year in our weird restaurant limbo while you’ve made it in your respective limbos as well. We’re most definitely feeling ready to visit with you again.
Doug, and all the people of Feast