There was a nap. A glorious nap.

Dear Feastlings,
I get the occasional email from one or another of you reminding me to slow down every now and again, and I’ll have you know that even though I hit the ground running today, kicking it off with recording a demo for SAACA (it won’t be released until some time next month, I believe, so I’ll let you know when that’s happening,) in which I make some pretty comforting comfort food- a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. I’m pretty much incapable of making a plain old grilled cheese sandwich with plain old tomato soup, so once the video is edited and all my foolishness and clumsiness is removed, you’ll have to tune in to find out what I do that’s different from your garden variety soup-and-sandwich combo. Then I ran down to the Alvord Court Apartments, which are affordable housing for people who need housing appropriate to their disability or disabilities.

Our next series of donation runs

In between were logistics for tomorrow’s delivery to two TMC campuses. TMC is spread pretty thin, it turns out, during the pandemic, as are we, so we’re relying on the kindness of strangers, a la Blanche DuBois, but also on the kindness of friends and family, a la Feast, to help us subsidize their $6.25 a person budget.

Another trip for front line hospital workers

And of course lining up speakers for this Saturday’s wine tasting,

Stock it up.

getting ingredients lined up for the Christmas menu,

Christmas menu

the New Year’s Eve thing we’re doing that isn’t posted yet, the Last Sunday of the month tasting that isn’t even squared away yet, and the January menu, which you can be assured hasn’t yet even been begun.

And with that, I leave you, to work on all of the above, and to wax rhapsodic about the nap I had the other day. Wow, that was a really phenomenal nap.



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