Dear Feastlings,
As much as I’d have loved to get you an email, oh, say, four hours ago, the day has been packed with logistics once more. I’ve been putting together two more delivery runs- one to the front line hospital workers that started this whole endeavor (now that we’ve done a lap around the greater Tucson area, and now that hospital beds are so full that people are being shipped to other hospitals for treatment of COVID-19, we’re going back to a newly-saturated Tucson Medical Center next Friday, July 24 to feed the Emergency Department, the COVID ward and the COVID ICU,)
Circling back- donating meals to the crew of front line healthcare workers at TMC
and one to the east/northeast and also our lone westside outpost.
It’s time for a delivery run to far-flung places again! East and west this week.
There’ll be delivery runs the following week (the 25th and 26th) to the north suburbs and the south suburbs, respectively, which we’ll post as they get closer, but meanwhile we’ve got a beer tasting this Saturday
Wine drinkers’ beer and cider, and something that’s even more kooky than that.
and of course our regular menu.
Whatever reason you choose to call us, our number is 326-9363, and we’d be happy to hear from you. Really happy.
Thank you all,