Put your tasting shoes on.

Dear kind Feastlings,
One spot of good fortune here at Feast is that there’s always a tasting on the horizon. This Saturday (the 20th,) we’ll have four “go-to” wines, a red and a white from France and a red and a white from Italy, and they’re sure to please.

And not to jump too far ahead, but we already know what we’re doing on the last Sunday of the month as well, so here’s a little snippet about that too.

There are two other events you should know about as well, though. The first is that all day today, we’re donating 20% of our sales to SACASA, the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault. The event is called Dine Out for Safety, and we know it’s last-minute, so if you find you’ll be across town tonight, you can stop into any participating restaurant to support the Center, and make your own donation or just eat out and let the restaurant do it. We’re by no means the only restaurant in town donating to this important cause.

And one last announcement for this coming Sunday, as Easter brunch is most decidedly filling up. We’ll be offering our normal brunch and dinner menus, but we’ll also have some Easter specials.

Please do join us for one or another of these events. Or all of them. Why not all of them?

Your friends at Feast

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