Good day, Feastlings.
If you’re not on vacation right now, and you’re not packing right now, I congratulate you on being part of the brave minority who’s here sticking it out while everyone else seizes the moment and turns a Wednesday Independence Day into a five-day-or-possibly-longer vacation.
But for those of you staycationing or just plain toughing it out this month, we’ve at least got a few treats for you that might make summertime desert living a titch more palatable.
First off, today being the first Tuesday of the month, there’s the new menu that begins today, full of summertime treats like yellowtail crudo, a carnitas sandwich, and a couple of new entrees rife with local produce (Thanks, Dirty Girl Farmette and High Energy Agriculture, for squashes and tomatoes that make a little tear well up in our eye when we taste them.) A couple of new desserts dot the menu as well.
There’s also this week’s wine tasting, an ode to Kevin’s unnatural but understandable love for Picpoul/Piquepoul, not only blanc but noir and rosé as well.
And if you plan ahead at all, two nations’ celebrations fall in July, and while our own is cause for Feast to close up shop so the staff can take a well-earned breather and do something with their friends and family who have normal schedules, there are no French expats on the staff at Feast, so we’re happy to celebrate by cooking up a bunch of French classics for you on Bastille Day. If you had fun joining us for the Bonfires of San Juan a week and a half ago, you’ll likely enjoy our July 14th festivities as well, and you’ll discover our French wines all priced without the corkage we normally incorporate into the price, so you can drink for twelve dollars less. Or, if you’re like me, you’ll drink a wine that costs twelve dollars more than you’re normally willing to spend and see what all the fuss is about.
And if you are in a cool, refreshing, faraway land, know that you’re missed and we’ll see you when you get home. Have a safe and fun trip and we’ll see you when it next suits you.
The people of Feast