Feast offers a wine tasting every Saturday, another on the last Sunday of each month, and occasional wine dinners. Subscribe to our email list and you'll be the first to know about all of them.
Hello, Kind Feastlings. It’s that time of year, when grapevines go dormant, and winemakers, like Capistrano swallows, head for warmer climes. Peter Franus comes to Tucson from his eponymous winery to bring delicious offerings which we intend to pair with some delicious offerings of our own. If you’d like to join us, the details are […]
Hello, Feastlings. Every time we have a tasting of Italian wines, people fairly line up to taste, and rarely do our guests leave disappointed. As it turns out, people don’t often think about wines from just across the Adriatic (or in the case of Alto-Adige, the same side of the Adriatic) as equally delicious. I […]
Good Day, Feastlings. Two wine tastings to go on about this weekend, so here they are in a nutshell: The first is Kevin’s weekly Saturday tasting, and the wines are the wines of our friends and neighbors. Three wines from down here in southern Arizona (Callaghan Graciano, Dos Cabezas “El Norte” and Sierra Bonita Cabernet […]
Well, Indeed, Feastlings. Many’s the time we’ve tried to have a tasting of sparkly wines between Christmas and New Year’s Day, and many’s the time only a few of you have shown much interest. But by Sunday, you’ll have had a huge dose of family and holiday obligation, and you’ll be looking to unwind. Our […]
Hello, Winesippers. While cult wines tend to be those with a hold on the psyche of the wine-buying public, the definition can vary. For some it’s style- the huge Napa Cabernets that got the cult ball rolling, like Harlan Estate, Grace Family or Screaming Eagle. For some it’s the winemaker- Manfred Krankl of Sine Qua […]
Hello, Wine Sippers, In our continuing efforts to remind people to turn the bottle around and see what’s on the other label, we’re continuing with our Trust Your Importer series for this month’s wine tasting. Our guest this month will be Noel Patterson, who’ll be sharing the wines of the Rare Wine Company, importers of […]
Hello, All. A few years ago, I was visiting Domaine Serene in the Willamette Valley. A lot of people know about Domaine Serene- there’s a big, beautiful winery with opulent tasting rooms and guest houses and they make gorgeous, Burgundian-style wine. We strolled next door, though, and there was a vineyard with a modest, log-cabin […]
Oho, Wine Tasters. One wine event on the heels of the next this week. As to the first event, our Last Sunday tasting this month is the second installment in our Wines of the Southwest series of tastings. This month’s southwest: Italy. While Italy is geographically lacking in the Southwest department in that it mostly […]
Hello, Feastlings. One of our longtime favorite importers of Argentine wines, Vine Connections, has opened the Chilean floodgates on Tucson. We’ll be hosting a tasting in our private dining room from 5 to 7 pm on Thursday, September 19th. There’ll be hors d’oeuvres and wine, though it won’t be in our usual format. You can […]
Howdy, my Southwestern Amigos. I’ve been lucky enough to spend time tooling around not only the Southwest here at home, but also make a brisk trot across another Southwest: Languedoc-Roussillon. So when Mary Grace Rodarte suggested we dedicate this month’s tasting to wines of southwestern France, I did a little jump for joy. We’ll be […]