It’s safe to go outside

Dear Feastlings,

The irony of it isn’t lost on us- we talked about patio wines this summer, only to be slapped down by temperatures over 110 degrees, when there’s no point whatsoever in going out onto a patio of any kind.  As luck would have it, though, now that the equinox is here and summer is officially over, it’s nearly cool enough to go outside, for more than a couple of minutes this time, and conceivably enjoy a glass of wine with friends.  With that thought in mind, this week, we offer patio wines yet again- those quaffable treats that don’t need much in the way of food to enjoy, and that are low enough in alcohol- and price- to pour a second glass without feeling guilty or tipsy.  The tasting comes in at $15 plus tax and gratuity, and we’ll pour you some samples for this Saturday’s tasting if you give us a call at 326-9363.  Come join us for a treat or four.


The tasting begins on zoom at 2:00 pm on Saturday, September 25.  The Zoom meeting number for the tasting is 865 1882 3021.  The passcode wis 140671.


It’s safe to go outside.


You can find the tasting order and pricing here.


Commanderie de la Bargemone 2020 Provence Rose AOP

Gurrieri 2020 Frappato

Folk Machine 2019 “Parts & Labor” Red Blend

Laurent 2020 “Corrupto” Cabernet/Merlot Red Blend

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