Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard and Miss Hersant

Dear Feastlings,

I know you’ve gotten an email from me already this week, but I owe an extra one not so much to you, but to our friends at the Rogue Theatre.  A number of you may recall a dinner we offered last year in conjunction with their production of Babette’s Feast- it was something of a replication of the meal in the novella/play/movie/what-have-you, and correspondingly pricey, what with all the luxury items of food and drink in the dinner.

They asked us if we’d be interested in another collaboration, and it turns out we’re always up for a collaboration with them.  They suggested, since they’re Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood, which is rife with food references despite not being about a feast, we put together a menu of Welsh-influenced dishes, and so we have.

It’s been a lesson in sourcing obscure ingredients from across the pond, and also one in putting together a special dinner sprinkled with obscure ingredients while being short-staffed and getting busier all the time.  The good news is that it’s settled.  We’ve got a menu, and it promises to be an enjoyable evening of dishes we don’t often get in these parts.  The bad news is that I’m only just now getting this email out, scarcely a week before the dinner.

If you’re a fan of the Rogue, or a fan a Feast, though, or quite possibly a fan of the both of us, it’s worth examining the menu and seeing if you’re up for a curious dinner, and joining us and our friends for an evening of community, hearty food and heartier beverage.

Here’s the menu, and a link to the Rogue’s ticketing page:


We hope you’ll join us.


the people of Feast and the people of the Rogue Theatre

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