Hello, Feastlings.
It’s more than likely we’ll all be indulging this Thursday, I know. And there’s an equal or greater likelihood we’ll find a reason to do it again come December 25, or December 22nd, or thereabouts, depending on what exactly you celebrate. We’re throwing our hat in the ring, however, for one more bit of indulgence, and it’s one you won’t have to clean your house for, or wash dishes, or invite the uncle you argue with over politics. It’s another wine dinner, tucked in between the holidays, and it’s coming on December 11th. It’s also more educational than your average holiday meal, so it’s got that going for it as well. You can meet Tommy Oldre of Vineyard Brands, taste some wines from all over the world, and eat something tasty as well. The details can be found here,
alongside the details about this Saturday’s wine tasting. Those are here.
And while we’re at it, we’ll extol the virtues of doing your holiday shopping here. Sure, you could go to a mall and brave the crowds, or you could shop online and get no help from another human in the soulless void of the internet, but we’re adding a couple of incentives on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday.
Incentive #1: ten percent off every bottle in the shop, even the wines that are already on sale;
Incentive #2: fifteen percent off any six bottles or more, mix and match;
Incentive #3: if you drink a bottle here at the table and buy another to take home, we’ll waive that $12 corkage on the bottle you had here, unless it’s a half bottle, in which case we’ll waive that $6 corkage.
Plus, you can traverse our parking lot in seconds, there are people here who know and care about what they’re selling, and the money you spend will stay here in the community. Just sayin’.
So we hope to see you this weekend. Or tomorrow. Or tonight. You’re pretty much always invited.
The people of Feast