Our friends at Sister José Women’s Center

Dear Feastlings,

In our continued effort to keep our doors open despite the fact that both our seating and our hours are quite limited, we’re continuing to partner with good people like you who want to lend a helping hand to a whole spectrum of people in our community.  This week, and again next week, we’re headed to Sister José Women’s Center with several days’ worth of meals in tow for women experiencing homelessness.  The Center is undergoing a remodel- when they’re finished, they’ll have some solar power and be able to accommodate another 20 women- so we’ll be going out twice.

We’ll bring a hundred-plus meals this Friday, August 6th, and another hundred-plus on the 13th.   That will feed those lucky twenty-something who stay at the center, and the rest will be handed out to those who stop by to get a meal, maybe some clothes or toiletries, and it should provide four days’ worth of meals.  Since their kitchen is incapacitated and they can’t do much in the way of reheating, we’ll be bringing meals that can be taken cold or at room temperature, pasta salads and the like.  So the bad news is they won’t be hot meals.  The good news is that the meals will be less costly to make, so your donation dollars feed more people than they sometimes do.  To learn more about the Sister José Women’s Center, take a look here:


And to contribute to these next two donation runs, you can call in a donation at 326-9363, or you can send or drop off a check at your convenience as well.  Checks should be made out to Feast but say “food donations” in the memo line, and can be mailed to us at 3719 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85716.



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