Dear Feastlings,
You’re all certainly aware that we change our menu each month, but to be honest, the wine list is in a more constant state of flux than the food menu is. This week, Kevin’s pulled off the shelves some of the wines we’ve brought in more recently to give you (and himself) a chance to taste them. The tasting works like our Saturday tastings usually do: you’ll need to make a reservation, the old-fashioned way, by phone, since web and email reservations (so call us at 326-9363 if you’d like to join us.) The tasting begins at 2:00 pm and costs $10 plus tax and tip. We hope you can join us.
New to Us, so- New to You, Too?
2015 Folk Machine “White Light,” California
2014 Sleight of Hand “The Enchantress” Chardonnay, Yakima Valley
2015 Ramsay Cabernet Sauvignon, North Coast
2013 Kennedy Shah “La Vie en Rouge,” Columbia Valley