Dear Feastlings,
I’ve been feeling it myself- all these cloudy mornings have robbed me of the will to get out of the house in the morning, or even out of bed. But just as we’ve assembled a weekend of indoor events- the Saturday wine tasting here at Feast
and the Sunday tasting from the privacy of your own home-
the weather has started clearing up. Delightful as that may be, I’m still fully in favor of tasting wine (and food,) and hoping you are too. Attendance appears sparse at this point, so as much as I hope everyone gets out and gets a big sunshiny dose of vitamin D this weekend, I’m hoping a few more of you will call to let us know you want to taste either some springy, picnicky wines on Saturday, or some wines with some serious bottle age on Sunday. Or both.
Mary Ann suspects I just shoehorned too many events into the last email, and in fairness, I once had a guest tell me, probably accurately, that my emails were like drinks from a firehose. So in deference to him, and in hopes you just plain missed it because you were watching Lena Horne sing Stormy Weather, I’ll throw it out there again: if you want to join us for one of these wine tastings, reserve your tasting by calling us at (520) 326-9363. And thanks.