Good wines for compromising

Dear Feastlings,

Maybe you’ve noticed or maybe you haven’t, but my missives have diminished in scope and sprawl. It’s not that I have have much less to say, but rather that I have less time to say it. We’ve had two new people start in the kitchen over the past three weeks; one disappeared after her third week, and the second after a day. And with our staff continuing to shrink, I’ve been focused on if/how we might keep the kitchen running. Once again, we’re considering shutting down for an extra day, or trimming hours some other way- I’ll be chatting it up with John over at Tito & Pep this weekend to see how he feels about turning his lunchtime into takeout-only, and to Jeff and Murph at Kingfisher to see how they like being closed on Sundays and Mondays, and I should talk to the people who took over Pastiche not so much to find out how other midtown restaurants are handling things, but to understand how in the world they can staff a restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. It’s mysterious to me.

That said, for the immediate future- i.e., through Mother’s Day- we’ll maintain the hours we’ve been operating, and we’ll keep up these wine tastings, like today’s, for example: a selection of wines from the Old World that even the New World wine drinker in your circle will enjoy. They’re gap-bridgers, these wines, and there’s still time to sign up for the tasting,

A bridge across the Atlantic

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We’ll see you soon, and then I’ll lose myself in hunting down more people to work with us. Stay well and happy, everyone.


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