The storm before the calm

Dear Feastlings,

It may well sound like more bellyaching, but I’m sincerely wrapped up in the belief that this is just one last crush of daily changes to the schedule here, mitigated by by nearly every member of the staff pitching in to cover for one another while we’re alternately felled momentarily by Omicron microbes or just a cold or flu, or hobbled by supply chain problems with Bourbon, lobsters and fancy salt, or short-circuited by child care and parental care difficulties. If this isn’t the home stretch, more than one of us is about ready to throw in the towel- I see it on our faces, I hear the edge in our retorts to one another, and among guests both unfamiliar to us and practically family. We’re all really tired of this. So I’m choosing to believe that this is really the last of it.

Whether you go in for the whole Mercury Retrograde thing, or you’re convinced that various members of our citizenry, after years of petty squabbling, are finally willing to regard one another as fellow citizens and not arch-enemies, or whether, like me, you just really need this to be the case, I’m willing to give the universe the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s one last hurrah of pain and misery before we all go back to the regular, garden-variety pain and misery we were experiencing before the pandemic: only occasional, rarely severe, and virtually never insurmountable.

Yes, I might be getting the email out a bit late in the day, but we got the new menu going on schedule,

and the wine tasting is all lined up for Saturday,

Total agreement

and in another couple of days, you’ll see a Valentine’s Day menu posted as well. Yes, Valentine’s Day falls on a Monday this year, a day we’re normally closed, but like most restaurants, we’re working every possible angle to keep our doors open, and that means we’ll be serving on Monday the 14th. It’ll be dinner only, with seating beginning at 4 pm and ending at 9. Like New Year’s Eve, we’ll offer a prix fixe menu with or without wine pairings, plus some selections from the regular menu. You’ll hear more about it soon.

You’ll also hear about our next donation run, back to health care workers, as a whole neighborhood of people over in the Hill Farm Neighborhood took up a collection with the request that it go to the selfsame health care workers who again find themselves going full tilt, and as with our other donation runs, we’re adding twenty meals to the eighty they’ve donated to make it an even hundred. I’m still working out the details with them but we’ll be sending food out again soon, putting us significantly past 9,000 donated meals since we started doing this. I’ll keep you all posted. But now, things are good. We’ve got tonight covered, and I won’t discuss the rest of the week, as I learned my lesson about spouting off when things appeared to be going well. But we’re on it. We’re a pretty good team, I dare say, this makeshift family of Feast people, and we’ll keep at it. And we had a good menu tasting today, to boot. See you soon.


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