Nose back to grindstone

Dear Feastlings,
I know that it’ll be after working hours on a Friday by the time you get this, but if you’re like me, you’re checking your emails all the time regardless. So I thought I’d spend a moment reminding you that we’ve got a wine tasting tomorrow that still has room in it, for either your in-person or your remote tasting pleasure.

Thankfully delicious white wines

and a full-on, in-person wine dinner with local wine hero Kent Callaghan joining us remotely to talk about some brand new releases and some library selections as well.

Via satellite, via schmatellite

There’s room left in both, and we’d love to fill those seats, as the better the attendance for these, the more often we’ll do events like this in the future. Seating at both events is limited, as we’re still keeping six feet between tables to keep you all as safe and comfortable as possible.

If it’s remote you prefer, there’ll be a cooking class coming up, a benefit to support Child & Family Resources, on November 16 as well, complete with snacks and wine samples.

It should be fun, and it’ll give you some ideas for dishes to serve alongside your Thanksgiving entree, be it turkey or be it something off the beaten path. And it helps CFR out, so you’ve got to feel good about that. Whatever the case, we hope to see you soon for one event or another, or even just for a bite.

Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for coming in; we’re going to go get started organizing all these events.

Thanks, all.


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