Dear Feastlings,
I’m tired, as I imagine the whole crew at Feast is. Some of us have been knocking out Passover food, some of us have been readying two days’ worth of wine tastings, some of us have been planning half a dozen upcoming events, or deep-cleaning the kitchen, or lining up the next half dozen wine tastings and the speakers for them, some of us have been dealing with the public. and some of us have been keeping everything running smoothly while the others accomplish these tasks.
So I’m hoping I say nothing politically charged, and nothing that inspires anyone to tell me how to run my business, because frankly, if there weren’t a wine tasting today, I’d be sending no email, and I wouldn’t even come in to Feast. So thank you in advance for not writing me back today. And thank you for meeting me at the 3:30 wine tasting with a bunch of fun and interesting people, and their wines, and our food. We still have five tastings available, and they’re available on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you find the wind today throwing a wrench in your outdoor plans, we have an alternate plan available for you. If you haven’t been clicking on the links recently, here’s what the tasting looks like:
and here’s the zoom info so it’s easy to find us:
Doug Levy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: It all starts in the vineyard.
Time: Mar 28, 2021 03:30 PM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 7794 6480
Passcode: 859359
You still have a couple of days left to pre-order your Easter fare, as well, so as long as you’re link-clicking, here’s one with our Easter specials:
And if a wine tasting sounds good but you find yourself unproductive afterward, there’s one you can join next week that’ll benefit Child and Family Resources, and that looks like this:
And with that, I button my lip until I feel like I have time to yet again deal with that lovely but hideous creature, the general public. See you at the wine tasting.