Dear Feastlings,
We’ve been wanting to head back with another donation run to Youth on Their Own for months now, but the pandemic has given us all new habits, be we safely ensconced at home or busy at work, or be we students experiencing a stint- or longer- of homelessness.
Time was, the YOTO mini-mall was fairly bustling with activity, but now, with half the world interacting remotely, the new norm is for the students who need books, or a backpack, or shampoo and toothpaste to simply order it online to have it delivered to their school. With fewer students around, it’s more difficult to get meals distributed, until we struck upon it: YOTO is hosting monthly vaccination clinics, which they project will draw more people, and with more people, well, we’ll reach critical mass and bring meals over. Look for us to deliver meals on three Saturdays in the near future, one in October (the 23rd,) one in November and one in December (more about those as they draw nearer.)
If you’d like to help us feed the patrons of Youth on Their Own, for every four meals people donate, the fifth will be contributed by Feast, so it merits a phone call to 326-9363, where we’ll happily take your donation over the phone by credit card. You’re also welcome and encourage to donate in person, cash, check or charge. Just make a check out to Feast and write “meal donations” in the memo line. We’d love to help them (and ourselves, full disclosure, by keeping the staff occupied,) so we look forward to the community’s contributions to enable us to keep sending meals. Here, again, in case you’ve missed our previous links, is what Youth on Their Own is all about: