Now more than ever.

Hello, Feastlings.

You’re doubtless aware that we’ve been keeping our doors open in part through the community’s generous donations to health care and other front line workers, to people experiencing homelessness and to low-income families.  In the interest of transparency, your donations are used to purchase meals that we then deliver to different members of our community on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, and those purchases in turn help keep our staff employed as we navigate the pandemic.  Because we want to participate in feeding our community as well, we donate 50 meals for every 250 meals donated by other members of our community, and we thank you for participating, from the bottom of our hearts.

Our next donation run will be to the staff at Banner’s Crisis Response Center, who’ve seen their crises increase throughout the pandemic, and with good reason: the stress of Covid is contributing to increased drug overdoses and an increased suicide rate, so we’re relying on the CRC more than we’ve needed to in the past.

Our plan is to thank the crew there for their hard work and to lighten their load a bit by bringing meals to them, all of them, be they behavioral health professionals, housekeeping staff, or people working in an administrative capacity.  We’re brining meals on Tuesday, April 20, which means we have a couple of weeks to pull together donations to fund these meals.  You can donate by calling us at (520) 326-9363 with a credit card, or by dropping off or mailing a check to Feast with “meal donations” written in the memo line.  Cash works too, of course.  Our mailing address is 3719 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85716.  Here’s a little glimpse at what they’re doing over there:

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