Hello, Feastlings.
This Saturday’s wine tasting will stray from our customary format and from our customary time (though you can still come at 2:00 if that’s what you’re used to.) Kevin will have ten wines open, ranging from New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc to a 2001 Brunello. The tasting will be open house style, so you can come and go as you please, and the $13 price tag will include tax and gratuity, so it’s essentially the same price as our customary tasting, but you’ll have to opportunity to taste much higher-end wines than usual, and more of them.
Why are we doing it this way? With Friday being Black Friday and Saturday being Small Business Saturday, we figured everyone’s in holiday shopping mode anyhow, so why not give you the opportunity to taste the wines you might consider giving as gifts or opening for your holiday table? What’s more, on both Friday and Saturday, we’ll be boosting our customary discount- six bottles, mixed and matched, gets you 10% off, and 12 or more gets you 15% off. So you can stock your cellar and grab some holiday gifts without ever having to brave a shopping mall.
The tasting will last from noon to 3 pm on Saturday, November 25, and we’ll still need to know you’re coming, so please call to reserve a spot so we know what we need to have at the ready for you. Web and email reservations won’t do the trick, so please call us at 326-9363 and let us know you’re coming.
Thanks, all, and Happy Thanksgiving.