The ebb and flow of normalcy

Dear Feastlings,

As quickly as normal times approach, it seems they just as quickly retreat. Not so long ago, I was nearly ready to not just hope for, but expect that we’d be soon reopening on Sundays, only to have the new interviewee’s references come back with two no-call/no-shows, and the part-time saute guy is now a no-time saute guy, which I’d regard as a mutual decision, and I hope he does as well. So despite the two recent Sundays we’ve opened the doors, we’ll likely continue to leave them closed for another bit, at least until Mother’s Day.

We’ve been more or less keeping up with things- there was plenty of tasty stuff to be had on Easter, and I dare say we put together a nice wine tasting on Saturday, and today, as on the first Tuesday of every month, we changed the menu.

We’ve lightened things up considerably for Spring, and even the the past two days have looked rather more like winter, the sun’s come out today and it’s starting to feel like that beautiful fleeting couple of weeks we get before it becomes insupportably hot outside and we all draw our shades and wait for the sun to go down. All in all, a perfect time to have that shrimp and zucchini salad, or a Pavlova.

We’ve also got this week’s wine tasting put together, a curious amalgam of varietals from all over France, the likes of which you aren’t apt to have tasted recently.

The unusual suspects

And there’s more on the horizon. One day, that perfect fit of a line cook will walk through the door, all the odds and ends will coalesce, and we’ll be back to our former glory, serving tasty and consistent food and beverage of excellent quality and excellent price, possibly even on Sundays, and possibly seating people past 8:00 pm. There’ll be more wine dinners (watch for May 22 with importer French Libation,) and festive holiday menus like the ones for Bastille Day or the Bonfires of San Juan, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and so on.

Until that time, we’ll try not to bite off more than we can chew, and we’ll continue to offer you the somewhat limited but nevertheless best experience we can offer you, and we’ll do it with warm and welcoming hearts and no short supply of gratitude. Thanks for everything, all of you.




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